Home Improvement Loan Calculator

Get an estimate for how much it will cost to improve, renovate, or remodel your home!

Giving You The Power To Decide If Home Improvements Are Right For You!

While Flexibility does not offer Home Improvement Loans, below is an easy-to-use free online Home Improvement Loan Calculator if you’re interested in researching the costs of a home improvement project. Looking for a Line of Credit instead? Click here to read more about how you can use a Line of Credit for emergency home improvement expenses.

Calculator service provided under license from CALCONIC™. The information provided in the calculator is from CALCONIC, a third-party calculator builder. Flexibility has not independently verified the calculations. Consult with a financial advisor or check other sources before making financial decisions.

How to Use the Home Improvement Loan Calculator

Are you thinking of renovating or remodeling your home? Use the simple and free online Home Improvement Loan Calculator to estimate the overall cost of borrowing funds for a home renovation project. Just enter your project budget, the interest rate you’re likely to qualify for and the length of the loan (in months). The home improvement loan calculator will estimate your monthly payments including interest over time.

PROJECT BUDGET: The is the total amount before interest that you expect your home improvement project to cost.

Interest rate: To increase the accuracy of your estimate, use the slider to set an estimated interest rate for your home improvement project.

loan term: The loan term is the amount of time you intend to pay back the funds you borrowed. Enter your loan term here (in months) or your desired timeframe for a loan. For example, if you’re looking to pay off your home improvement loan over the upcoming year, enter 12 (months). This will help estimate how much you’ll need to pay each month.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Find the Best Home Improvement Loan

If you’re planning a home improvement project, you’ll first need to figure out what it’s going to cost. Once you have a price in mind, you can start comparing offers for the best home improvement loan. Below are a few factors to take into consideration when researching loans:

  • Interest rate: Home improvement loan interest rates will vary depending on a few factors such as the type of financing, lender and borrower creditworthiness. However, these interest rates can range anywhere from 5% to 36% for personal loans, and 2% to 18% for HELOCs (Home Equity Line of Credit). If you’re interested in calculating the details of a personal loan, check out the free online Personal Loan Calculator.
  • Loan term: The loan term is the amount of time you have to pay back the funds you borrowed. It’s important to note that home improvement loans typically have shorter loan terms than mortgages. This essentially means you’ll have larger monthly payments, but lower interest payments over time.
  • Loan amount: The loan amount is the amount of money you borrow from your lender. It’s made up of both the principal amount and interest. Choose a lender willing to provide you with the funds you need, but don’t borrow more than necessary as this can lead to unnecessary interest charges and debt.
  • Origination fee: Some lenders charge an origination fee to cover the costs of processing loans. Home improvement loans typically have an origination fee of 1% to 5% of the total loan amount. However, many online lenders now offer fee-free loans, so make sure to do your research and shop around!
  • Prepayment penalty: Some home improvement loans come with a prepayment penalty. This means you’ll be charged a fee if you pay off your loan early. As with origination fees, many lenders are staying competitive by eliminating prepayment fees.

Home improvement projects on a budget involve making cost-effective changes to your home. Examples include painting walls, updating hardware, refinishing cabinets, adding new lighting fixtures, and tackling smaller DIY projects. Repurposing and upgrading existing items can also help refresh your space without breaking the bank.

The best home improvement projects to increase home value often include kitchen and bathroom renovations, adding curb appeal through landscaping and exterior upgrades, finishing basements or attics for additional living space, and upgrading energy-efficient features like windows or insulation. These are the spaces in a home many potential buyers care most about. It’s essential to focus on projects that align with the preferences of potential buyers in your market.

The timeline for a home improvement project varies based on its scope and complexity. Small projects like painting a room can be completed in a few days, while larger renovations may take weeks or even months. The timeline includes planning, design, obtaining permits, selecting materials, actual construction, inspections, and final touches. Clear planning and communication with contractors can be crucial for a well-managed project timeline. It’s important to take all of these factors into consideration when determining the length of your home improvement loan.

The average cost of a kitchen renovation varies widely based on factors such as the size, quality of materials, and location. On average, a moderate renovation can cost around $20,000 to $50,000, while a more extensive remodel can range from $50,000 to $100,000 or more.

The cost to remodel a bathroom depends on factors such as the size, materials used, and desired upgrades. A basic remodel might cost around $3,000 to $7,000, while a more comprehensive renovation with high-end finishes can range from $10,000 to $25,000 or more.

To estimate home improvement costs, research the specific project, consider materials, labor, permits, and any additional expenses. Gather quotes from contractors, use online cost calculators (like the one above!), and consider consulting local home improvement professionals to get accurate estimates.

Creating a budget for a home renovation involves assessing your finances, determining project priorities, researching costs, and setting aside a contingency fund for unexpected expenses. It’s typically recommended to allocate 10-20% of your home’s value for a comprehensive renovation.

The cost of adding a room to a house varies based on factors such as size, location, materials, and complexity. On average, it can range from $15,000 for a basic sunroom or office to $80,000 or more for a more complex room addition.

The average cost of home repairs varies depending on the type and scope of the repair. Minor repairs such as painting, replacing hardware, and fixing leaks will usually cost a few hundred dollars. More significant repairs such as a roof replacement, foundation repair, and electrical rewiring could cost several thousand dollars.

To save money on home improvement projects, consider DIY options for simpler tasks, shop for deals on materials, get multiple quotes from contractors, prioritize essential repairs over cosmetic changes, and plan your projects during off-peak seasons when costs may be lower. Additionally, doing thorough research and careful planning can help you make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes.

Flexibility does not provide financial advice. The content of this page is provided for general informational purposes only. Flexibility does not make representations and warranties with respect to any information from this page, including Home Improvement Calculator results. Consult with a financial advisor and evaluate the risks and merits before making financial decisions.  

High-interest loans can be expensive and should be used only for short-term financial needs, not long-term solutions. Customers with credit difficulties should seek credit counseling.